
You’re not alone. There are others.

The communities of practice we convene are inspired by what others in threshold spaces have expressed a need for. We continue to shape them through what we learn from you. Suggestions are welcome through our contact page.

We specialize in creating safe and supportive spaces -  virtually, for the foreseeable future - to companion individuals, small groups and organizations because we believe that there is power and accountability in networking and connection — in doing our rich inner work alongside others who are also committed to doing their work. 

As contemplative coaches, we design and curate warm and inviting space for transformative conversation and reflection. Each experience is carefully shaped to address the opportunities and challenges encountered in particular threshold experiences. We do our work in three key individual and shared spaces:

  • UnLearning Commons: Engaging you in the learning and reflection that makes growth possible

  • Coaching Commons: Guiding you to live into your best intentions

  • Whole Being Commons: Helping you create a more integrated life by choosing intentional rhythms and practices

The work we do together in “the commons” is the work of being human, of making meaning of your life, and of becoming healthy and whole so that you can live a more meaningful, aware and wise life. It’s an exciting journey. And, it requires a deep commitment to your own personal growth. 

to learn more or to join a community of practice

Note that offerings are being re-envisioned in light of the current COVID-19 virus.